CINC played a major role in the environmental clean-up of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Recognizing the efficiency and potential in CINC Centrifugal Contactor technology BP Oil purchased thirty-two V20's to help mitigate the environmental impact of the worst oil spill in U.S. history. After testing in both shallow and deep water, the extraction and separation processes resulted in oil findings of less than 100 parts per million. Our equipment is used world-wide in groundwater remediation, bilge water treatment, river and stream clean-up as well as valuable mineral extractions.
Industrial laundry water de-oiling, wash water recycling, environmental remediation and other continuous processing solutions are all part of our commitment to making significant improvements to our environment. Partnering with the world's largest innovators in the protection of our natural resources CINC continues making it our business to be the leader in both environmental recycling and sustainability.